Genre: Drama, Adventure
Rating: PG-13 (Some Strong Language)
Over the course of ten days and 435 miles, an unbreakable bond is forged between pro adventure racer Michael Light (Mark Wahlberg) and a scrappy street dog companion dubbed Arthur. Based on an incredible true story, “ARTHUR THE KING” follows Light, desperate for one last chance to win, as he convinces a sponsor to back him and a team of athletes (Simu Liu, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Ali Suliman) for the Adventure Racing World Championship in the Dominican Republic in 2014. As the team is pushed to their outer limits of endurance in the race, Arthur redefines what victory, loyalty and friendship truly mean.
** Parent Review: “It's rated PG-13, but parents can rest easy knowing that the content is appropriate for kids of any age. There is some swearing but the movie has everything you would want. It’s exciting and heartwarming moments, making it universally appealing.”
Immediately following the screening with Racers from The United States Adventure Racing Association, get to know more about the world of Adventure Racing and ask questions about this amazing world of pushing limits! Listen up for an exciting announcement!
In the spirit of “Arthur The King” we have some superstar Animals That Help visiting from organizations who work to bring the connection between humans and animals. Meet some amazing animals from 10am-1pm:
HRET: Our friends at Holistic Riding Equestrian Therapy (HRET) will be on hand to meet and pet pony's, meet staff members and volunteers and find out about classes, events and opportunities to be involved with this amazing and empowering organization! Learn more about HRET here.
Ruby Whiskers Animal Rescue: "Our mission is to be a voice and a home for those who do not have one. To provide love, care, and shelter for those who have never had it or have lost it. We believe all animals are deserving. We will rescue, protect, vet, and provide hope as we search for loving forever homes for all animals that come into our care." Learn more about Ruby Whiskers Animal Rescue here.
Illini Service Dogs: "From providing mobility service dogs at absolutely no cost to educating the public on disability culture and rights, we are passionate students and professionals who volunteer their time and skills to accomplish one mission of mobilizing the world." Learn more about Illini Service Dogs here.
*** Animal Organizations subject to change at the discretion of the organizations.